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Colombia (SA.CO)

Jhorbam Baena Orozco

First Name: 
Last Name: 
Baena Orozco
Professional Since: 
Jun-2007 (17.8 yrs experience)
Oldest experience: 
Jan 2001 (24.2 yrs experience, WARNING: 6.4 years variance with Professional Since)
Years Experience: 

Alvaro Achury

First Name: 
Last Name: 

ALVARO ACHURY, senior / lead planner with more than 15 years of experience

I am fluent in English and Spanish. I read and speak in French but I can not write it.

My background is Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Project Management. My thesis work and later studies have all been focused on project management.

I have worked in many countries and different cultures ( Canada, Colombia, Iraq, Jamaica, Morocco and United Arab Emirates ) and different industries (Oil & Gas, Mining & Metals, Power & Automation, Chemicals)

Professional Since: 
Feb-2000 (25.2 yrs experience)
Oldest experience: 
Dec 2004 (20.3 yrs experience, WARNING: 4.8 years variance with Professional Since)
Years Experience: 

Project Controls Engineer, Cepcolsa - Cepsa Colombia, Construction of production oil facilities in Caracara block

START Date: 
August, 2010
END Date: 
December, 2010

Project Controls Engineer


Planning and project control for construction of production oil facilities in Caracara block, located in the Los Llanos Basin in the central portion of Colombia.

Project Controls Leader, SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ - SKM, EPMC for the first phase of the Coke Mine's expansion at Cerrejon, Guajira.

START Date: 
June, 2012
END Date: 
May, 2014

SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ - SKM                                                                                                                             Project Controls Leader

Administrador y Programador de Proyectos y Actividades, INGSERV LTDA., (various projects)

START Date: 
January, 2001
END Date: 
December, 2001

Ocupación : Administrador y Programador de Proyectos y
Fecha de Inicio : Enero 27 de 2001
Fecha de Finalización : Diciembre 12 de 2001
Dirección : Carrera 44 # 29-07 Barrio El Castillo.
Teléfono : 6106296.

SAP-PS consulter, VASS, ECOPETROL, SAP installation

START Date: 
August, 2003
END Date: 
February, 2005

SAP-PS (Project System) on ECOPETROL (13months) SAP-PS, WBS and Plan&control methodologies's consulter. Manuals, courses, train to focal and final users.

Experience Hours (Planning & Scheduling): 
Experience Hours (Forensic Analysis): 

Senior planner, MASA, Manteinance and construction of flow lines

START Date: 
July, 2012

Programación y seguimiento de las activides de mantinimiento y construcción de líneas de flujo en el campo caño limón en Arauca.

Alejandro Bermudez

First Name: 
Last Name: 
Oldest experience: 
Jul 2012 (12.7 yrs experience, WARNING: 42.5 years variance with Professional Since)
Years Experience: 

Area Planner, Andamios Anderson, Mantenimiento de la Refinería de Barrancabermeja

START Date: 
May, 2011
END Date: 
July, 2012

Planeación y seguimiento de las actividades de armado y desarmado de andamios para las paradas de planta y el mantenimiento rutinario de la refinería de ECOPETROL en Barrancabermeja.

Emerson Mora

First Name: 
Last Name: 
Oldest experience: 
Jun 2012 (12.8 yrs experience, WARNING: 42.4 years variance with Professional Since)
Years Experience: 

Market Place

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