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QatarGas 3&4 LNG Onshore Project

Planner, Technical Office Engineer, GAMA, QatarGas 3&4 LNG Onshore Project, Ras Laffan, Qatar

START Date: 
April, 2006
END Date: 
April, 2007

Technical Office. Planning (P3), Method Statements & Execution Plans, Proof reading of Client letters & IT, (13 months).

Project details:Ditto above.

●      Company Primavera scheduler, Weekly/monthly reporting of site reports schedule related.

Pipe Shop Planner/Control, GAMA, QatarGas 3&4 LNG Onshore Project, Ras Laffan, Qatar

START Date: 
April, 2007
END Date: 
November, 2007

Piping Group. Planning (xls), General management (Piping Workshops), Test Packs Supervisor,  (8 months).

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