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Terminal Maintenance & Project Engineer

Terminal Maintenance & Project Engineer, Mapak Qasim Bulkers Pvt Ltd ( Malaysia & Pakistan joint venture), Construction Steel STorage tanks and offshite utilities piping

START Date: 
November, 2004
END Date: 
June, 2006
  1. Fabrication of Storage Tanks, ducts, pipe alleys, handrails ,staircases and other

Miscellaneous fabrication Works.

Terminal Maintenance & Project Engineer, Mapak Qasim Bulkers Pvt Ltd ( Malaysia & Pakistan joint venture), Construction Steel STorage tanks and offshite utilities piping

START Date: 
November, 2004
END Date: 
June, 2006
  1. Fabrication of Storage Tanks, ducts, pipe alleys, handrails ,staircases and other

Miscellaneous fabrication Works.

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