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Assistant Planner & Planner

Assistant Planner & Planner, Balfour Beatty, Gatwick Airport South terminal Pier 1

START Date: 
September, 2014
END Date: 
June, 2015
  • Providing project performance reports using various mediums (Bar graphs, percentage progress comparisons and narrative).
  • Identify potential problems/delays and elevate these to the appropriate level(s) of management
  • Review schedules to ensure they meet the project’s requirements.
  • Proactively monitoring of all tasks within the scope of the contract including communication and responding to change and risks.
  • Updating, monitoring and controlling project programs; preparing various status reports that highlights project current progress compared to baseline
Experience Hours (Planning & Scheduling): 

Assistant Planner & Planner, Keltbray, London wall place - multiplex

START Date: 
September, 2012
END Date: 
November, 2013

Assistant Planner and part of the planning team working in Pre-Construction Advice. 

Experience Hours (Planning & Scheduling): 
Experience Hours (Cost Management): 
Experience Hours (Forensic Analysis): 

Assistant Planner & Planner, TSP, Templeborough Biomass Power Plant

START Date: 
December, 2015

I am using P6 to plan detailed design initgration for civils, structural, architectural, M&E and Highways & Drainage to enable construction of a Biomass Power Plant at Templeborough.

This is a high level project under the Renewable Energy umbrella with a number of stakeholders and sub-contractors.

Experience Hours (Planning & Scheduling): 
Experience Hours (Cost Management): 

Assistant Planner & Planner, Babcock Rail, Network Rail Telecoms Framework, Settle- Carlisle

START Date: 
January, 2008
END Date: 
December, 2009

Part of a Team of planners for the Telecoms Framework, Assistant Planner on Settle- Carlisle Signalling Enhancements, and progressed to sole planner for Settle- Carlisle Signalling Enhancements. Maitaining programme, internal and client reports. Supporting management team on project Change Conrol, Extension of Time and Claims.

Assistant Planner & Planner, Axima Suez, A variety of tenders and site based projects

START Date: 
June, 2005
END Date: 
June, 2006

Training year and mostly tender programmes production; my role was to support the lead planner as well as visit various sites for progress reporting purposes.

Market Place

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