ANALYST / PLANNING ENGINEER, Ayyapan Enterprises Pvt.LTD, Storm Water Drainage Project (RCC Pipeline)
February, 2016
END Date:
August, 2016 - Schedules, Plans and oversees the entire program of works
- Plans, Organizes, and coordinates Planning Activites
- Select the most appropriate techniques and logical sequence of activites to complete the Proje ct scope
- Inputs the work break down structure information in means to assess an accurate forecast on time, resources and cash flow of the project.
- Sets up alerts for all important contractual and milestone dates.
- prepara cash flow, charts and histogram on planning projects.
- Verifies critical path and interfaces between design/ Engineering/ Procurement/ Execution.
- Monitor progress periodically and compares its with the baseline planning.
- Updated the schedules based on the input received from Project team
- Prepara the monthly progress Report
- Prepara the monthly Labor histogram
- Accummulates, Collects and analaysis data and information required for planning.
Experience Hours (Planning & Scheduling):
Experience Hours (Cost Management):
Experience Hours (Forensic Analysis):
1000 - Company:
- Industry:
- Job Role:
- Project:
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- Skills & Expertise: