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Planning Engineer to Technical Services Manager , Balfour Kilpatrick, Various

START Date: 
December, 1985
END Date: 
June, 2007

Balfour Kilpatrick – Planning Engineer to Technical Services Manager

Technical Services Manager for the Southern Region of Balfour Kilpatrick. In this role I had responsibility for all Planning, Quality, Environmental and Risk Management functions along with a large involvement in the Commercial functions for the region. I also instigated and led the development of new and updated management systems, ensuring that they fit within the business model. I also has an input into complex fully resource and cost loaded bid programmes, driving programmes from bid to contract and the evaluation of project programmes where a dispute has occurred.

Prior to this I rose from Assistant Planner way back in 1985 to Senior Planner and worked on numerous projects covering everything from nuclear power stations to commercial office blocks. Projects included the HQ2 Building in Canary Wharf, Christchurch Court, Data Centre refit and switchroom re-plan projects at Nomura House in St Martin Le Grand, Cityreach Telehouse, Hayes. A £5 M “fast-track” service fit-out of an Internet Hotel completed in 13 weeks, the Royal Opera House, Kowloon Station and Chek Lap Kok Airport in Hong Kong, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Ayoun Moussa Power Station and Al Sheik Zayed City Water Supply Facilities in Egypt, Burj Al Arab and National Bank of Dubai branding update in Dubai, Bahn 2000 Rail Tunnels tender programmes, Texaco Captain Oil Platform constructed in Clydebank, Barking Reach Power Station in Dagenham, Sizewell “B” Power Station in Suffolk, Wytch Farm Gas Gathering Station in Dorset, Thames Barrier in Charlton, London and the A90 Facility at AWE Aldermaston, Berkshire.