Website Upgrade Incoming - we're working on a new look (and speed!) standby while we deliver the project

Planner, Ireko Construction Ltd., Apollo Bramwell Hospital, Hennessy House Bldg, Maeva Extention Bldg, Market Fair, Media Metrix Renovation Works

START Date: 
November, 2008
END Date: 
November, 2010

Employer : IREKO Construction (Mauritius)
Employment Date : Nov. 2008 – Nov. 2010
Position : Planner
Project : Apollo Bramwell Hospital, Hennessy House Bldg, Market Fair, Maeva
             Extention Bldg, Media Metrix Renovation Works

Duties and Responsibilities:
• Monitoring and keeping track of work progress throughout the construction process and
comparing this with the target baseline/contract baseline.
• Preparing Weekly progress reports using MS Project 2007, CCS and Excel softwares.
• Updating Weekly Actual vs. Baseline S-Curves.
• Create detail reports based on the main schedule.
• Prepare Time Impact Analysis for delay claim.
• Create a recovery schedule from approved time extension claim.
• Create manpower histograms.
• Analyze and study current project status and provide necessary corrective recommendations and
actions to ensure that the project is on track.
• Create a custom schedules.
• Make a Mobilization/Demobilization Schedule.
• Conducting site visits on regular basis and collect necessary data as required to study project
progress and work schedule completion.
• Preparing tender programs.