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Example Instructions for Primavera Planners

"Example Instructions for Primavera Planners" By John Verth


Primavera Bars Tricks and Traps

"Primavera Bars Tricks and Traps" by Paul E Harris


To demonstrate the P6 Version 7 bars functions, and ƒto suggest some solutions for bar formatting issues.

How to Colour P6 Bars Based on Activity Codes

"How to Colour P6 Bars Based on Activity Codes" by Paul E Harris


Many people would like to color P6 Gantt chart bars based on an Activity Code. This is not a built in feature of the P6 Activity Window like other scheduling products such as Asta Powerproject. This may be achieved in P6 in two ways:

Quick Update - a process that explains how to update Primavera schedules in quick time

"Quick Update" is a process that explains how to update Primavera schedules in quick time.

This presentation will illustrate how to update a schedule in 8 short stages.

  1. Create a Baseline
  2. Switch ON auto schedule
  3. Ensure that Baseline Bar is switched ON
  4. Apply Actuals
  5. Move Data Date Forward
  6. Review IN PROGRESS activities - Update Remaining Duration/Finish Dates
  7.  Review progress of activities on Data Date - Update Start Dates
  8. Switch OFF auto schedule

Author:- David R.V.Forrest

Use of Constraints in P6–A Guidance Note

The purpose of this document is to provide general guidance to be followed when using constraints in P6 schedules, or approving P6 schedules on behalf of clients. The guidance covers the effect of each constraint type on the schedule, plus advice for appropriate use. It is written based on P6 constraints and terminology, but similar principals will apply across other software packages.

Generating P6 S-Curves via Excel

A step-by-step procedure for extracting data out of Primavera to enable the generation of S-curves within Excel. Covers generating curves for planned value, earned value and actual expenditure, both in terms of manpower and cost.

Streamline communications to the Project Team

One of the primary drives for Phoenix is to streamline the project management process.  The goal is to provide tools to focus the project team on delivering early versus struggling to build the project plan.  This page is to gather idea to simply the project management process.

Calendar for scheduling relationship lags


Dear Mr P6 Civils,

When running our calculations in P6 8.2, we noticed that under schedule options, the calendar for scheduling relationship lags was set to Successor Activity Calendar.  I assumed is should be scheduling off of Predecessor Activity Calendar. Is the default Successor Activity calendar? If so why? I would assume you want to base your lags off the predecessor activity. This will affect your schedule especially if you are using different calendars.

Promotion of activity codes in Oracle Primavera P6


Dear Mr P6 Civils,

I know you can promote activity codes in P6.  What I want to know can you promote project codes to EPS codes and EPS codes to Global Codes or is it just promoting project codes to Global Codes.  I have promoted codes before I just cannot remember if there is a hierarchy of the codes or not.



Activity Codes in Primavera P6 can be created at three different levels.

·         Project level Activity Codes

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