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Drake & Scull International, Dubai

Mohammed Shiyaz Jiffry

First Name: 
Last Name: 
Shiyaz Jiffry
Professional Since: 
Jul-2007 (17.7 yrs experience)
Oldest experience: 
Dec 2009 (15.3 yrs experience, WARNING: 2.4 years variance with Professional Since)
Years Experience: 

Thayubu Ali Mohamed

First Name: 
Thayubu Ali
Last Name: 
Professional Since: 
Aug-2002 (22.6 yrs experience)
Years Experience: 

Drake & Scull International, Dubai Planner

START Date: 
December, 2009
Current Role

Drake & Scull International, Dubai Lead Planner

START Date: 
May, 2008
END Date: 
June, 2009
Working as a lead planner, preperation of baseline program.
as a MEP Planner.

PLANNING ENGINEER, "Drake & Scull International, Dubai", High rise Buildings

START Date: 
May, 2008
END Date: 
April, 2015

§    Preparation of Baseline Schedule as per the contract conditions.

§    Calculating and Loading the schedule with all the resources like Man-hours and Equipment hours. (For forecasting the manpower requirements)

§    Work break down structure as per the project requirements.

§    Deciding the appropriate weekly and monthly progress report formats.

Experience Hours (Planning & Scheduling): 
Experience Hours (Cost Management): 

Market Place

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