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Assistant Engineer (Planning & Operation), KSEB, 220/132/33/22/11kV Substations

START Date: 
May, 2015
END Date: 
June, 2017

I have gained experience in operation and maintenance of the following.


·        Transformers of  110/11KV 12.5MVA and 110/33kV 16MVA .

·        110KV SFCircuit Breaker, 33KV and 11KV indoor and outdoor Vacuum Circuit Breaker .

KSEB Planner

START Date: 
March, 2008
Current Role

Abdul Sathar Parammel

First Name: 
Abdul Sathar
Last Name: 
Professional Since: 
Sep-2003 (21.4 yrs experience)
Oldest experience: 
Mar 2008 (17.0 yrs experience, WARNING: 4.5 years variance with Professional Since)
Years Experience: 

Market Place

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