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Mark Copland

First Name: 
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Shell trainee from school. 1990 Three years at a custom designed technician training facility. One years familiarisation with offshore, cycling through departments such as safety, drilling, well services, maintenance and then the parent operations. Two years discipline maintenance (electrical) Return to operations where over the years I gained area authority level in ISSOW in all areas (control room, oil, gas compression, water injection, produced water, utilities and power generation) Final stint with Shell then was mainly as Responsible Person Electrical looking after electrical safety and maintenance of the the electrical systems up to and including the Dual fuel Rolls Royce generator turbine packages and all associated auxiliaries. Left Shell 2007 and joined Maersk Oil Qatar Highly involved role initially where I was responsible for night shift production, materials and maintenance. The company has developed many more supervisory slots now so involvement has been taken back to production where I am more heavily involved with the planning but more removed from the materials and maintenance. More involvement with planning and execution of shutdowns. Had many planned and unplanned shutdowns in my time down here some I have been very proud of and some that left me discombobulated as to where all the time disappeared to :-)
Professional Since: 
Aug-1990 (34.6 yrs experience)
Years Experience: 

Market Place

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