NETWORK RAIL GWEP (GREAT WESTERN ELECTRIFICATION PROGRAMME) JAN ‘17 TO SEPT. ’17 LDO PROGRAMME PLANNING & CONTROLS MANAGER – about 200 staff (The LDO is an alliance of ATKINS and PB-WSP contracted by Network Rail to supply engineering services for the electrification of the railway route Paddington to Cardiff (Maidenhead, Reading, Basingstoke, Newbury, Didcot, Oxford, Swindon, Bristol Parkway, Bath Spa, Bristol Temple meads, Newport, Cardiff Central, Swansea) linking Thames Valley area, West of England area and Wales area about 250 miles long with 179 bridges, 18 tunnels and 33 stations broken into 11 Route Sections and 228 Construction Units– scheme value circa £4bn) – The disciplines and work packages - OLE, Civils (Tunnels, Bridges, Earthworks, LX), Signalling, Electric and Power, Telecoms, Geotech, Stations and Environment. CAPITA OCT ’16 TO JAN 17 / PMO CONSULTANT RESPONSIBLE TO LEAD THE P6 AND MSP PLANNING, RAID MANAGEMENT AND STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT CAPITA Programme for Client - Republic of Ireland: £30m M50 Dublin Tolling Infrastructure Design, Build, Operate & Maintain NETWORK RAIL – DIGITAL RAILWAY MAY 2015 TO OCT 16 / PMO PROGRAMME-PROJECT PLANNING, RISK and ASSURANCE Phase 3 Digital Railway Programme of seven multi-million pounds subprogrammes: ETCS; ATO; Auto Signalling Design; TM; Infrastructure, Bridges and LX; Open Architecture; COMPASS