Qatar’s Guild Interest Group Meeting No 3 (Doha)
Next event...
The next meeting of the Qatar Guild has been scheduled!
This meeting will be a special event involving a private presentation of the Qatar rail project using the hi tech presentation facility at the Lusail Offices.
The meeting will start at 18:00 Doha Time (irrespective if the time above shows something different!!!)
This event will be following on for a series of industry awareness days and will use the same material so this is an opportunity to see what industry leaders were shown and an opportunity to understand how the Rail programme will impact on all other projects in the region. Places are limited and access will only be granted to names provided to me before the event. Priority will be given to Planning Planet members and will be focused on the project planning aspects however if a Planning planet member wishes to bring a guest that will be possible space permitting.
Location: the railway Hall in the Lusail Site office shown in the map below, any problems please call Simon Springate - 33897153

Only people who have used the signup link above can attend as this is a site office locationl.

A photo of some of the team from the previous meeting!
Demonstration of Qatar's new rail projects
Dear all
At the moment only 4 people have signed up for this event, I may have to delay it till later in June if I do not get more menbers at this stage
i will attend this , thanks
Hi SimonPlease include my
Hi Simon
Please include my name for the event & provide the location of next meeting (on 23-May).
i will attend
hi Simon, i have sent you messege for reservation, consider me please. and consider one guest with me
I am there isa
Please let me in. I will invite also many of my peers.
Event location
May I know wheres the exact location & if there's registration fee or none?
I will Attend.
Dear Simon,
Kindly reserve a place for me on this great meeting. I will definately attend .
Thank you
Esiemokhai Victor PMP
hi Simon,
Please reserve a seat for me for this event...thanks
Hi Simon
kindly reserve a seat for me for this event ;
Thanks & Regards
PP Members meet at Qatar
I would like to attend this meeting...
Pls confirm
00 974 5502 2718
Guild Meeting 3
I will attend
Sir Simon,
Thanks for the PM. I will be attending the meeting and would be delighted if you could provide details of the venue.
Thank you once again.
Meeting- qatar-Doha
Simon Thanks for the email. Please add my name for the event.
Regards Ashraf
Meeting on the 23rd
Dear all
Confirmation that the event is going ahead
It will kick off at 18:00 (getting the time corrected on the note)
Please make sure you have used the signup facility on this page
Qatar’s Guild Interest Group Meeting No 3
Hi Simon,
Count me in for the event.
Hi, Please, Consider me
Please, Consider me in Qatar event.
Naguib Kamel
00974 55314750
Cancellation of attendance
Dear Simon
This is to apologise to attend the herein appointment (previously booked) for an urgent matters.
Please accept my apology.
Attend PP group meeting for DQNR Project
Hi Simon
Definetly I will attend. I will bring a nother colleque with me
Ismail Awad
Hi Simon I will be
Hi Simon
I will be there
thks and regards
Ning Kaiwei
00974 66868619
Hello Sir Simon,'
There is a little complications in my case since the venue is a little bit far from my location. I still dont have a driver's license and this means i will be going there by public transport (taxi probably). The problem is returning back to Doha. I assume there will be no taxi on you site location passing from time to time.
Is there any one attending whom i can hitch a ride after the meeting? Just drop me some where along your route going home where there are taxis plying every now and then. I will take care of the rest no problem. Appreciate it very much!
Thank you.
Hi Pio
I'll drop you around City Center area.
Hello Simon and also to all
Hello Simon
and also to all PP members in Qatar.
My sincere apology for my absence due to heavy workload. I really miss the once in a lifetime presentation.
Is it possible to get hard copy of the presentation or MS Powerpoint file or is there an intent to post the presentation in the web?
Cheers and Thank you,
I will attend
Dear Simon
I will attend the event. The complications faced to attend this event is now rectified.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Thanks a lot.
I'm IN
I'm IN too
Attend Qatar group meeting No. 3
Hi Simon
Definetly i will attend
Ismail Awad
SHukla and
SHukla and Tamilmaran,
Thank you guys..
Thanks for arranging such a wonderful Guild Meet.
Dear All,
I really thank Mr. Simon for arranging such a wonderful meeting. It was really a good meeting yesterday though it was my first meeting with the Guild. We had a wonderful presentation and related information on the upcoming Qatar Railway project from Mr. Simon and his team. As we discussed yesterday it will be more helpful and useful if we have such regular meetings in future. As an opinion I would suggest to have a schedule of upcoming events in advance (say monthly) so that we can allocate our time accordingly to participate in the events.
Murle Krishnan.
Post Meeting Update
Dear Friends,
Last night was PP’s biggest event yet in Qatar. 20 Planners gathered to experience the rail hall, a high tech facility designed to take the visitor in the future of rail in Qatar. The event was organised by Simon of Qatar rail who took the opportunity of using the hall after it had run 9 events the previous week to nearly 600 people – so special private showing for PP!.
Once they had been through the experience the group talked about what they would like from future events with two clear messages. All would like to know more about other planners projects, there are not many that are not impacted by the others – and secondly presentations on systems and practice. One specific idea was to get presentations on BIM’s as this is a new and expanding area that planners feel they should fully understand.
All agreed to have a follow up meeting late June and then break till September as many people on leave. And finally it was suggested that we arrange a ‘coffee stop’ on a weekly basis as a drop-in so people can get together between events.
Simon Springate Planning Director Qatar Rail
Be Proud of your Planning
Regards... PP Team
Dear Friends,
If anyone wants to post replies or hold discussions, please make sure you have joined the Qatar Group...
Then use the Forums link that you will see on the group page.
Regards... PP Team