Qatar’s Guild Interest Group Meeting No 2 (Doha)
Welcome to Qatar’s Guild Interest Group for the Guild of Project Planning, Controls & Delivery (GPPCD).
We would like to invite you to the second small informal event to help planners meet, share knowledge and say hello.
While it was good to see those who made it to the last meeting, I need to learn some lessons on making the team obvious, so when we meet this time I will put up a board with the PP logo so they can see me and will arrange to wear a 'noticible' hat.
You can also reach me on +974 33897153 if you need too.
Address: meeting will be held at the Belgian bar of the Intercontinental hotel at 8pm Simon Springate will be there, wearing a large hat and will have a Planning Planet logo on display. If you can’t see me call on 33897153 Main meeting objective will be to find a better location for future meetings Simon.
Attendees: we currently do not have a miximum limit, so please signup to reserve a place.
Be proud of your planning, see you there, Simon.
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Hi Admin,
Hi Admin,
I am eagerly waiting for PP professional meeting at Doha, please confirm soon the venue.
I would also like to know the details of the Doha Meeting
Hi Simon, Looking forward to
Hi Simon,
Looking forward to the event.
Event Location
Hi Simon,
Where is the event will happen.
Looking forward to attend this occasion.
Next meeting Monday 25th April
Meeting of the Doha Planning Planet Guild meeting will be held at the Belgian bar of the Intercontinental hotel at 8pm
Simon Springate will be there, wearing a large hat and will have a Planning Planet logo on display. If you can’t see me call on 33897153
Main meeting objective will be to find a better location for future meetings
Sorry stuck in Kuwait - on a deadline for a contract programme for a big elevated highway job so cant make the meeting - good luck and good luck with the hat!!!
Hi Simon, I was there in the
Hi Simon,
I was there in the first attempt. I did saw familiar faces that goes back to our good ole dubai metro days.
I will pass this time due to lots of work. I do hope to see lots of our colleagues someday.
Happy planning.
Cheers Scarlett
Hi Admin!
Please count me in....
Regards... MDS
Hi Admin!
Please count me in....
Regards... MDS
REquest and suggest to have
REquest and suggest to have it on thursday night..hard to have an extra strength after a days work at the office on mondays..should be weekend or thursday night..\
Report on past event
The Qatar Guild of Planning Planet met last Monday (25th April) in the Belgian Bar at the Intercontinental Hotel. Great meeting (see the photo!) and some great feedback to me on what PP members would like for further events. Essentially they are a serious bunch out here and we agreed to have educational events and opportunities for planners to exchange information on their own projects – almost every job affects someone else here so really handy to know what is going on from those in the know!.
Finally we agreed that the next meeting will be a special showing of what the Rail project is planning to achieve in Qatar and then plan subsequent events with visiting speakers etc. Venues remain a challenge but some members are looking into lending meeting rooms.
Great to see everyone and look forward to the next time
Hello Simon and Hi everyone,
Any updates on this group?.. Is it still having a regular get together or meeting?
Please update me guys.
Mr. Pio