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Multiple Integrated Views in TILOS

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Vignesh S
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Do anybody have idea about how to use multiple integrated views in TILOS.

I am sharing my issues faced here,

  • I tried creating more than one intergated view, but they are interlinked and whatever changes I make in one view is getting reflected in the other view also.
  • I am not able to provide 2 different task list for both respectively.

My requirements are,

  • I have a 5km highway projectin which is linked to the existing higways via multiple interchanges say 4 nos. I need to create 4 different views with same activities for major part of the schedule and all 4 differ only for those activities linked with these interchanges.

Kindly help.


Vignesh S
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I found the ways myself.

We have to create a separate subproject and assign them to the respective task in task list as well in the integrated view.