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Print Tasks List

2 replies [Last post]
Alexandre Faulx-B...
User offline. Last seen 2 years 43 weeks ago. Offline
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I am new to Tilos 7, I would like to print a sub-project Tasks List, but I cannot find a way to do it.

I tried to export the list to Excel, but at this time I cannot find the requested Export definition file.

Thanks for your help,



Thorsten Balthasar
User offline. Last seen 10 years 31 weeks ago. Offline
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Dear Alexandre,

two ways to get a task list:

1. From Subproject
Select the subproject in Explorer, Open tab "task list": You get a table view of all tasks. Maybe a screenshot is enough?

2. From Export
Please do not use XLS format in Export but ASCII (This is built-in and availlable for all licences)
- In export assistant select target "clipboard"
- Create a new profile for export and select the task fields of tasks-object you would like to export (quite a huge list of fields) - (You can also use the existing basic data profile)
- Now Export (to clipboard)

After that: Open Excel or any other text based program and paste the clipboard content: Voila!

