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Activity based risk list

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ersin namli
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Could anyone please help me about finding activity based risks for residence projects for an academic research


ersin namli
User offline. Last seen 12 years 19 weeks ago. Offline
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The list will be very useful for me. Thanks for your interest
Samer Zawaydeh
User offline. Last seen 5 years 38 weeks ago. Offline
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Dear Ersin,

Residence Projects are standard projects. So you will need to ask your local community about the events that might happen during the duration of the project. This might include:

1. Weather delays.
2. Material Shortages.
3. Increase prices.
4. Labor shortage
5. Labor strikes
6. Accidents/ Safety at site.
7. Poor quality of material delivered to site.
8. Delays due to Design changes.
9. Delays due to Contractural disputes
10. Cash flow delays.
11. Quality issues if the contractor is not good.
12. Restricted working hours because of noize in residential areas.
13. Restriction for working space around the project.
14. Environmental issue. Is the project green?
15. Customer Satisfaction. Will the customer accept the final product.
16. Trade agreements and restrictions to use local products.
17. Unforeseen soil conditions. The soil report was not correct or you have utilities.
18. Collapse of sides of excavation.
19. Municipality requirements, regular checks, etc
20. Extra time required due to failure of testing.

After you list all the things that might happen, then you associate it with your activities, and then you include important and probability to it and come up with the Risk Matrix and find out which is the most critical.

With kind regards,
