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How to tell a Builder from a Planner

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Mike Testro
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Hi All Planners

How many of you are also builders?

A simple question - what goes first Formwork or Rebar?

Answer Please.

Mike Testro


Anning Sofi
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A builder planner can build a construction plan by himself.

A planner only may need a builder to develope the construction plan.

That is my  thinking...

Kieran Thomson
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Hi Mike,

Bloody good question sir. My own experience has seen both methods adopted. Another way of asking your quesion is which task finishes first? I don't think there is a right or wrong answer on this as pre-pour checks will dictate the outcome. Truth be told, the pour date is the critical point in all this.



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This is a typical "chicken or egg" situation. It all depends on the nature of the activity. Ideally prefabrication of the reinforcement can commence along with prefabrication of the formwork depending on the form system to be used.

The placement of the reinforcement and formwork also is based on the nature on the activity. Where in some cases the following applies

1. Reinforcement then forms

2. Forms then reinforcement

3. % Forms then reinforcement then balance of forms

4. % reinforcement and forms together but reinforcement complete before last forms are placed.

Construction experience will resolve the selection of the option to be applied

Hope this gives some guide to the question



Mike Testro
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Hi Vijay

You are right of course but in modern construction rebar cutting and bending is done off site and delivered prefabricated.

Its place in the programme is in the lead in items.

My own experience in India is with Punj Lloyd in Gurgaon - they may be looking for planners both in India or maybe Myanmar where they have just started a massive pipeline.

Best regards

Mike Testro

Vijay Anbumani
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Hi Mike,

        I was working in Building construction firm for 4+ yrs and 2+ yrs in IT park construction now presently iam working as Planning engg at Oman in a firm. Regarding Rebar cutting & Bending will start first and on site Shuttering work will be started first.

       I am looking for a Oppening in Planning engg at India, if anybody can help me to get an oppurtunity please revert me back.



Thanks to Planners,


J. Vijay


Raymund de Laza
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Hello Mike,

Some folks learned how to use the planning software but they are merely a USER ONLY. They call themeselves a Planner even without a planning knowledge.



Mike Testro
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Hi Raymund

Thats about right - for walls the usual sequence is:

1. Kicker Rebar

2. Kicker Form

3. Pour Kicker

4. Backform

5. Rebar

6. Frontform

But very few planners ever bother to set down that level of detail.

Best regards

Mike Testro

Raymund de Laza
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For Vertical elements, either forms or rebars can start first.

For Horizontal elements, forms shall start first.





Mike Testro
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Hi Anoon

Of course you would know the answer but there are hundreds of planners out there who do not understand such basic fundamentals.

There is another situation where formwork and rebar take a different sequence.

I know you can tell me Anoon but lets see if there are any others.

Best regards

Mike Testro

Anoon Iimos
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It depends on the situation. Fabrications can be done at the same time. For suspended slabs, formworks go first; for columns rebars comes first.

Happy New Year!