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Planner career in Oil & Gas

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Goutam Bora
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Can anyone tell me about career of Planner in Oil & Gas. How is the market for Oil & Gas at the moment. What shall be future prospect for Oil & Gas? What is market rate for Planner in Oil & gas


Dev Tamboli
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hi guys,

But as i saw in mos tof the ads they ask for experience in oil and gas.
if any one want to switch to it how can he do?
i think to go to oil and gas you have to start your carrier in it only.
because previously i tried to apply for oil and gas jobs but no success because they need only guys with oil and gas experience.

what others think?
Kevin Matthews
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G’day all,

In WA it’s all about resources at the moment. You need to be in mining or Oil and Gas to get the big hourly rates. I have spent over 15 years in Oil and Gas and very rarely see higher rates in other industries.

Keep Planning...

ashraf alawady
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rates for roads & infrastructure planner is the highest rate of a planner in UAE and may be equal rate for Oil and Gas planner rate.
Shahzad Munawar
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Oil and Gas rates for planners are always high as compared to Civil and others construction industries
ashraf alawady
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approximitly the same in UAE.
Kevin Matthews
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Planners in Perth, WA are in short supply and highly prized. $100 plus an hour but you’ll need experience and an Australian work visa.

