Hello all,
Thank you for accepting me as part of this goup! I am in the process of developing a paper for AACE (towards the certification as a certified cost professional).
The paper's topic is: Project Controls Softwares - Critical Issues Faced by Project Controls.
As a result i am conducting a survey to get an idea of the critical issues that you are facing with respect to the softwares you are using. Below is the link to the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PMHPM2M
In the case you do not prefer to follow the link, i have included the question below, and you could provide your comments directly by replying to this discussion. Your input is much appreciated!
What are the critical issues that you have experienced with project controls softwares? Examples may include:
- Not user friendly
- Lack of customizable reports
- Lack of training
- Lots of glitches
- Lack of support (ie. a maintenance & development team that should update the software to meet the needs of the project)
- Lack of KPIs (key performance indicators)
- Lack of flexibility to integrate with other softwares
- High level of effort to get the software setup
- etc.
Please list your issues below.
Your input is much appreciated!