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5 Things Your Project Stakeholders Want to Hear You Say

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Emily Foster
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Here are 5 things your Project Stakeholders want to hear you say


Patrick Weaver
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This linked article is a very niaeve piece of writing. 

'I will' is only of value if 'you do' as promised. It needs to be balanced with 'no' when you cannot do something if you want to be credble.

Saying 'don't worry' in most situations will cause your stakehoders to panic,  certainly anyone who tells me 'not to worry' get my very close attention.  If you want stakeholder to stop worrying demonstrate why they should have confidence in you - dont talk about it.  

The key is credibility and this is earned by your actions not your statements. For mopre on this see: 

Emily Foster
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Thanks for the positive feedback...I'm glad you found it useful.

envision global
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The link you have provided is very informative and useful and contains very informative material thanks.