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Due Diligence Report

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Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 35 weeks 5 days ago. Offline
Joined: 14 Dec 2005
Posts: 4418
Hi There

I will soon be taking part in a Due Diligence excercise for a company aquisistion.

Does any body have any templates or pro forma’s that can give me a lead on what to look for.

Best regards

Mike Testro


Samer Zawaydeh
User offline. Last seen 5 years 38 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 3 Aug 2008
Posts: 1664
Dear Mike,

Since we are concerned with Construction. How can we help you in this task. We can give you all the relevent information regarding the handing over of a Construction Company.

We can negotiate the ideas, and depending on its size, the detail will differ.

Basically, for a construction company, you have the Overheads and the Projects. You can ask for the following:

1. List of completed projects ever taken by the company; copy of contracts, settlement agreement.
2. List of running project, status, client paid invoices, and copy of latest correspondance.
3. List of projects to come: quotations submitted to client, and the date of expiry of quotations.

1. List of all financial summary statements for all the projects listed above.
2. List of outstanding invoices; Projects, Overheads
3. List of invoices to be made monthly

With the Law:
1. Cases against and with client, suppliers, employees, and others.

1. Salaries; paid, unpaid, yet to be paid
2. Equipment
3. Rents
4. Stored Material
5. Assets
6. Branches
7. Vehicles

1. Back up documents of all data
2. Licensed software
3. List of equipment
4. In house developed systems to be maintained

1. List of orders to arrive
2. List of orders that must be purchased
3. List of un closed orders.

Management Systems
1. ISO System
2. LEED system
3. SIX Sigma System

I hope that this list is kind of what you are looking for.

With kind regards,
