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User offline. Last seen 16 years 41 weeks ago. Offline
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I have been assigned to prepare a masterplan for EPC pipeline project , starting from feasibility study , engineering , formation and award of EPC contracts,procurement,constructioin/installation , testing and commisioning of pipeline.
I am in need of a sample pipeline project schedule (ie P3 schedule) detailing list of activities (civil,mechanical,piping,instrumentation,electrical etc), durations of activities ,critical activities etc.I need support till i complete this schedule on P3 espacially as i have very limited and basic knowledge only about Primavera.
I shall highly appreciate any aupport in this connection.


lily kramer
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I have no work experience regarding EPC pipelines and was offered to work on it. I just remember the news on PG&E to pay $70 million for pipeline tragedy in San Bruno that killed eight individuals in 2010. I definitely don't want a similar scenario to happen again should I not be able to do my job well. I would like to know what are the basic things to keep in mind in making pipeline plans. Thanks!

Mike Testro
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Hi Nicole.

Welcome to Planning Planet - a few points.

Please do not liven up old threads - start a new topic and you will get a better response.

Its not a good idea to leave your email in the open forum - there are spammers about.

There have been many discussions on pipelines on PP so search the topic and take your pick.

The main point about linear projects such as pipelines is that you need Time Distance software such as Tilos or Vico or even Asta Powerproject v 12.

Best regards

Mike T.

And I have just noticed that you put the same thread in a different topic - that is a definite breach of etiquette and I will delete them when I find them.

Nicole Bryan
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Good day to you,

i just want to ask if you could help email me a sample of pipeline schedule, im new to this kind of oil&gas work, it will be a big help for me to learn how it goes, pls send to my email: use private message service thank you.


shafi ahamed
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Please send me the list of activities, duration and relationships details through my email-id for the cross country piping project.


Thanks in advance.


Izam Zakaria
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So pls do me favor, I also need that tasks and schedule wise...
Could u directly email to me either

Myself also involved with TNI which we’ve umbilical cable and the moment ....we’re searching for DLB..derick lay barge to bring all matl at middle east ...

Intec have been assigned to accomplish engineering design analysis.....
Pasang Muli
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Our company involves in pipelying contracting business mostly onshore. Apart from that we also specialise in a front end engineering/conceptual/detail engineering design for gas and /or oil facilities.


Pasang Muli
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Hi Sam ;

It is purely an onshore pipeline.It is a purely underground cross country , gas , pressure pipeline.

Apart from some road and raiway crossings there are expected to be a max of 5 river crossings which are likely to be done by HDD method.

The pipeline is likely to be of a maximum length of 1200 km and is to be divided into spreads of suitable length.

Apart from the pipeline ( as per the feasibility studies )there shall be compressor stations , launcher / receiver stations and Terminal Gas stations for Power Plants , Fertiliser plants etc which the pipeline is to cater to.Mettering facilities , SCADA , contol room , sectionalising valves , CP system etc shall be there as in normal cases.

Can you plz do me a favour by sending me a copy of one/more of similar cases ; of detailed activity wise (level 3 brekdown for activities);sample/s of P3 schedule.Addl details like activity duration with critical activities for all civil , mech , elect , inst,and procurement list for material and equipments shall be quite handy to me as a ready reference.

My e-mail i-d is and .

I shall sincerely appreciate any assistance and support from you in this connection.


Sanjeev Koul

Sam Nichols
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Sanjeev I work for a pipeline design company so have done plenty of EPC pipeline project schedules here are some of the items that you may want to consider.

Your eventual schedule will depend on what your pipeline project is. Is it an onshore pipeline or offshore pipeline or both?

For onshore pipelines you will need to consider the construction methodology i.e is it an above ground or below ground pipeline or sections of both. Your schedule should also allow for any shore, road, or river crossings typically HDD is employed these days for this but there are other construction techniques that may be used depending on the situation. Also in your construction schedule you need to allow for pipeline trenching / blasting, clearing the pipeline ROW, pipe handling logistics, trench back filling, set up of pipeline stringing facilities, setup of a construction camp if appropriate, weather downtimes, NDT, field joint coating, end station construction, pipeline flooding guaging and hydrotesting / pre comm and comm.

For offshore pipelines you need to consider the lay methodology S or J lay number of pipelay barges required, pipehaul requirements, vessel mob time, weather down times, setup and laydown, span correction, tie-ins, pipeline stabilisation i.e. rock dumping, trenching or gravity anchor installation. Pipeline flooding gauging and hydrotesting / pre commissioning.

You need to allow for all the procurement and contracting activities including for example, linepipe procurement, coating, flanges, valves, barred tees, pig lauchers & receivers, pipelay / pipeline installation etc.

It is also important to schedule collection of survey data including bathymetric, metocean, geotechnical and pipeline route data before the start of the design activities as this is where many projects get burnt because the data almost always comes late or they base their design on preliminary data and this results in design changes / large variations.

In general I find that pipeline project planning is relatively straight forward compared to offshore platform / plant construction planning as there a lot fewer activities to manage and keep track of and the schedules are generally quite simple due to there only being a handful of procurement and contract packages.