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Planning for Roads& Infrastructure works

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mohsin farooqi
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Hi my fellow Engineers im a Head Engineer (client) for a major B.O .T diamond industry (factories) total all 70 units. as iam new to Road works(B.T roads) there are certain problems iam facing regarding
1.A Single Sewerage treatment plant is enough for a plot 0f 200 acres in which there are 30 factories and the total number of employees are 50,000 till fully operational.The sludge is human waste.If we provide a single S.T.P the sewerage water will flow covering a distance of 6.5 km to S.T.P Initially there will be 5-10 factory units operational by 2008 whether it will reach the S.T.P or its better to provide seperate S.T.Ps for each units

2.The Sewerage lines are going within the roads and they are in median region i.e they run from the centre of road and not in service corridor i mean outside the roads.
its better to provide the sewerage lines within the roads or outside the roads which will be best ? or for any reasons we have to dug the roads in future patch work will be required ?. certain mainholes are 4mt depth whether maintenance of such mainholes is possible in future.


mohsin farooqi
User offline. Last seen 7 years 5 weeks ago. Offline
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Dear Speeding,
We will be partially operational by 2010 but we have decided to go ahead
with STP’s to be provided for each plot separately and the centralised STP stands deleted. Hence there will not be any sewage layout in the infra works.
Do you think this is a. better idea?
for going ahead with seperate S.T.Ps rather than centralised one, are there any long time repulssions for not providing sewerage lines.

Mohsin Farooqi