I have been trying to get an output for the stacked histogram which shows 1 man working 1 shift in a day. The only problem is that I am using both standard 10 hour working days and 3.5 hour night shift. The resources that I have use the correct calendar for the 2 different duration and on the assignment spreedsheet each separate resource comes out as one day. But when I put this on the stacked histogram the 3.5 hour resource comes out as 0.35 of a day instead of being a whole day.
Is there anyway of making the resource profiles relate to their own specific calendar and own specific time period or will they always have to relate to one default time period and where is this default time period set. In admin preferences I have ticked the box to specify use assigned calendar to specify the number of hours for each time period which works well for activity durations but does not seem to extend to resources.
Previously I have assigned each resource as working 1 hour a day and changed the scale on the pdf print out in photoshop which is not ideal, can someone please tell me how to get the resource profile to get the time periods from the calendar and not this default setting.
I have helped out with answers in the past but this is the first time that I have asked a question, fingers crossed for a suitable response.