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Does Max Units/Time links with any thing

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Muhammad Asim
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My question is that, does Max Unit/Time link with any thing?

I am using

Max Units/Time = 2h/d

Price/Unit  = 12/d

Default Units/Time = 8h/d

Duration = 10d

This gives me Budgeted Units = duration x Default Units/Time = 10h/d x 8d = 80h

When I assign this to activity with 10d duration the

laboure Cost comes with = Budgeted Units x Price/Unit = 80h x $12/h = $960 (for 10 days)

But where is Max Unit/Time which 2h/d ? Does this not link with any thing? Or my calculations are wrong?


Aries Arian
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Hi Amit

You have not Included Risk Anaylysis in You Blog?



Amit Parmar (PMP)
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Hi Asim,

Max Units/Time is used for resource levelling and does not have any effect it Total Units calculation. If a resource can work only 8 hours a day and you assign it to multiple activties and total working hours exceed 8 then it will show over-loading. This is particularly helpful when you arre using labour resources.



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