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Screening Questions for P6 Candidates

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David Millheim
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I need to prescreen candidates for a Scheduling position requiring solid P6 skills, prior to sending them on to the hiring manager. I've never used Primavera myself. Can you share with me a few basic questions to determine if a candidate really knows how to use Primavera P6?


Rafael Davila
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You can ask. How many BUGS have you identified in P6.

If the answer is less than a trillion then he/she have not experienced P6 in depth.

Raj Radhakrishnan
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Mike - actually u can change the color of an individual task bar. 

Steps: Add New Bar, Select Color, Select Filter, Add New Filter (Set Criteria - i.e. Act ID - XXXXX, or WBS equals XXXX), and select the criteria = current (or late, or critical etc.) and view layout.  For example, if you set the filter to have all the design activities to a particular color, it wll show up in a different color.  I use it for presentation purposes all the time - Engg in one color, Procurement in one color and Construction in another color.  

mukunda y
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difference between the Scheduled % Complete, duration % complete, Unit % Complete, Activity % Complete. 




Sapna Rani
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Hi david,

You may ask questions like:-

1.Can you have more than1 critical path in P-6?


2.What is schedule tracker in P-6?

Gary Whitehead
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Hi David,


Having not used P6 yourself makes this a bit tricky, as there's not many questions I can think of that wouldn't have more than one "correct" answer, and you'd need to know the topic to be able to interpret the answers.


The below might do you though:


Q: What is the difference between retained logic and progress overide?

A: When you choose Retained Logic, the remaining duration of a progressed activity is not scheduled until all predecessors are complete. When you choose Progress Override, network logic is ignored and the activity can progress without delay.


Q: What does progress spotlight do?

A: The Progress Spotlight feature highlights the activities that should have started or finished during a specified timeperiod


Q: What is the difference between  the "assign baselines" and "maintain baselines" dialogue boxes?

A: Use the "Maintain Baselines" dialog box to create, delete, or restore baselines for the project. Use the "Assign Baselines" dialog to assign project, primary, secondary, and tertiary baselines to a project, from the available baselines created through the "Maintain Baselines" dialog box.

(All answers cut & pasted from the Primavera help file)

Mike Testro
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Hi David

You might like to start with the things that P6 can't do:

Change the colour of an individual task bar.

Underline the text in a single column cell.

Copy and paste directly from excell into the columns.

Best regards

Mike Testro

Arun sangwan
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question which u need to ask can be in how many ways a schedule can be prepared?