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Resources and Expenses: Time-scaled by Cost Account in Primavera P6

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Rajesh Khanna Sake
User offline. Last seen 2 years 46 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 14 Sep 2006
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The schedules I am currently working on have both resources and expenses assigned to activities. In order to be able to track approved cost modifications to the project, I assigned cost accounts to both resources and expenses. I was expecting, it would help me print a time-scaled summary by cost- account. Unfortunately, when I run a report to summarize by cost accounts, it summarizes only the resource costs and ignores all expenses.

Example: To explain the problem in more detail –

Activity-A (4 weeks duration)

  Resources –

Resource-1……… Cost Account-1 (Modification-1)….$100

Resource-2……….Cost Account-2 (Modification-2)….$200

Expenses –

Expense-1………...Cost Account-1 (Modification-1)….$20

Expense-2…………Cost Account-2 (Modification-2)….$40


Total activity cost ………………………………………………………….             $360


When I look at a time-scaled report, it looks similar to this – (considering a linear distribution)


Activity Name ……………………………                Week1     Week2   Week3   Week4

 Activity-A                                                     $90          $90        $90        $90


Is there any way I can get a report similar to the one below?

Cost account …………………………….           Week1     Week2    Week3     Week4

Cost Account-1(Modification-1)                   $30          $30        $30          $30

Cost Account-2(Modification-2)                   $60          $60        $60          $60


Total                                                       $90          $90        $90          $90

I could think of only cost accounts to relate resources and expenses. Please suggest any other way in which I can generate such reports.

I appreciate any help in this regard.

Many Thanks,
