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Price/ Unit - Budget Cost

7 replies [Last post]
Haresh Jayanth
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Primavera is calculating Budgeted Cost by following equation , w.r.t Price / Unit.
For example:

a) Price / Unit: $120 /d
b) Suppose Duration of the activity is 10 days.
c) Budgeted cost is shown as $ 150 instead of $ 1200, which means primavera is calculating Budget cost based on the following formula i.e.

(120 / 8) (No of working hours in a day) * 10 (duration)= $150.

But it take this formula: 120 * 10days = $1200, why this is happening??? Kindly advice.....


Zoltan Palffy
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view show on bottom resource usage profile 

then click the cost box 

Russ Tomb
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Hi! I am newbie with this type of program and career line.


Please enlighten me with resources. They gave me a file with indicated budget for each activity and I need to make an s-curve using p6.


Is this possible?



Activity ID Activity Name Orig Duration Start Finish   

   A1020     Excavation            180 05-Jan-19 03-Jul-19
Rodel Marasigan
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This is common if you modify your resource rate or change something which is also affected by duration type setting. If both prices assigned to resource and activity detail, resource tab are the same then try this.
Tools-> Recalculate assigment Cost. That should fixed the problem.

Note: Things that needs to check
1) Edit-> User Preferences-> Time Units tab-> Unit Format (is it hour or day?)
2) Resource max unit/time = (8/day or 10/day)
3) Resource Price/ Unit = ($?/h or $?/d)
4) Activity Window-> Resource tab-> Budget Unit = ?
5) Activity Window-> Resource tab-> Price/unit = ($?/h or $?/d)
Irfan Khan
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Joel is correct refresh ur data or check ur Admin Preferences may be something wrong there......!


Joel Villanueva
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Anyway, just try to re-schedule and refresh data sometimes it displays wrong output if you did some editing of data without refreshing and or re-scheduling.

Haresh Jayanth
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Dear Mr. Joel,

Both prices assigned to resource and activity detail, resource tab are the same.

But still the problem persists


Joel Villanueva
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Hi Haresh,

Check if your price/unit under “Activity details” resources column is the same with your price/unit assigned under “Resources window” if not, re-schedule the program and click refresh data under “File menu”.
