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Additional database

7 replies [Last post]
richu rose
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Is it possible in P6 6.0 to have a new database per project.



richu rose
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1. What do you really after, to add a new database or you want to know how to backup and restore database?
I want add a new database.

2. Is your database Backup process is successful?
Yes my database backup was successful.

3 Where is your database come from? Is this the one of your Backup data? Or it came from another computer?
It is one of my backup data.

4. During the process of restoring your Database, is it successful or not?
Restore was successful.


Arnold Puy
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Thanks Rafael.

Hi Richu,

First of all, I have a few questions to you.

1. What do you really after, to add a new database or you want to know how to backup and restore database?
2. Is your database Backup process is successful?
3 Where is your database come from? Is this the one of your Backup data? Or it came from another computer?
4. During the process of restoring your Database, is it successful or not?

If you can provide me these information then I can tell you what to do.


Rafael Davila
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It got to be Arnold or someone else as I do not have P6, all I can tell you we tried P6 but decided not to go with it. Among the few things we explored was the creation of several databases and although not as easy as 123 it was not so difficult.

For re-sync maybe the following can help you:

You will need to use the SQL Server Management Studio in order to get this to work. When you log into the SQL Manager, You select the P6 database. Right click and select: "New Query".

In the right pane you will need to paste the following script:
Exec sp_change_users_login ’Update_one’,’PUBUSER’,’PUBUSER’
Exec sp_change_users_login ’Update_one’,’PRIVUSER’,’PRIVUSER’
and select "Execute" from the menu.

The connection to the priv- and pubuser is reastablished.
Now you will no longer receive the "Bad Public user name & password" error.

Good luck,
richu rose
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Arnold & Rafel thanks for the reply.

I followed the steps of prim54984. I made a backup & restored. But i don’t know how to resync. Can someone of ypu guide me how to resync.


Rafael Davila
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Create a backup and restore to a different name, clear all fields and use this as your template for your new databases.

Good when close to database limits.
richu rose
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Thanks for the reply.

I would appreciate if u can let me know the steps for creating an additional database.


Arnold Puy
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Hi Richu,

Yes you can. What you need only is your "CD1 & License". However, in my opinion, it is not advisable for you to create too many databases. Say for example, if you have 10 Projects so, you need to create 10 Databases.

In my experienced, we have Two Projects but I have only Two Databases, one for PMDB$PRIMAVERA & the other one ARNOLD_PUY.

