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P6.2 : Planning unit

9 replies [Last post]
Khuong Do
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I plan for a resource assignment like this : Jan (1000 hours) Feb (1000 hours) Mar (1000 hours).
On Jan I used only 800 hours. Primavera will spread the remaining hours (2200) evenly to Feb and Mar.
Can Primavera put remaining 200 hours from Jan to Feb (remaining unit of Feb will become 1200), not spread out to remaining duration like what it does now.

Thanks & regards


Rafael Davila
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Use the Resource Assignments Worksheet.

resource assigments 2
Khuong Do
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I checked but there is not any resourve curve which solve my situation.
Rafael Davila
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If some of your activities require unique future period allocations because planned work cannot be accurately distributed using custom resource curves, you can manually enter future period budgeted and remaining units values for assignments in the Resource Usage Spreadsheet (Resource Assignments and Activities windows).
Nestor Principe
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Would the resource curve can do the trick?
Brad Lord
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You can insert the remaining resource as a remaining start as you can with in progress activities, or assign the resource multiple times and change the planned start date
Andrew Podolny
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Hi Khuong,
You can use ’Future period bucket planning’ in P6 to manually allocate resource units for each month. But this proccess isn’t automated and every time you update your schedule - you have to review the future buckets values and they (based on my experience) are very sensitive peace of data just check the related section in P6 Help. So theoretically you have ability to control resources distribution the way you want but it’s very hard in practice. I gave up doing this on weekly basis.

Dieter Wambach
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I don’t know any P6 function to provide this. Maybe someone else has an idea.

Khuong Do
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Can we make the process automatically? Something like if we do not use all budget unit of this month, the rest will be brought to next month only, not spread evenly to remaining duration. The same process will be repeated for next month.
Now we have to reassign it manually.

Dieter Wambach
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You can do this with the web module. With the normal P6 you’ll need two assignments.
