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how to do multi-level schedule?

3 replies [Last post]
niles luo
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Dear all,
In some case, we use multi-level schedule to control our project.It always confuses me that the relationship between higher level and lower level schedule,such as Level 3(L3) and Level 4(L4). For detail, I have 3 questions.
First, the WBS elements in L4 are the same as these in L3 or not?
Second, the activities in L3 schedule must be convert to the lowest WBS elements of L4 schedule?
Last one is the relationship of activities in L3 and L4 schedules. One in L3 must match one or many in L4,isn’t it? It is trus or not that one activity in L4 must match one in L3?
All of them have been puzzled me for a long time, please help me. thank you very much.


Mike Testro
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Hi Niles

I have never used a WBS in any programme - it is a waste of time.

I just ignore it and let the software sort it out if it wants to.

Best regards

Mike Testro
niles luo
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Hi Mike,
Thank you very much for your help.
I have learned much knowledge from your detail information. But, WBS are not included in your reply. I wonder if you can give me some further information about WBS in multi-level scheduel.
Thank you,
Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 13 weeks 22 hours ago. Offline
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Hi Niles

Level 4 is where the construction tasks are plotted and linked.

Each task shoud represent 1 trade in 1 location that is the right size for 1 trade to work on its own.

When you have put together all the level 4 tasks in each location then Level 3 is the summary bar that covers all the level 4 tasks.

When you have a number of level 3 summaries you set up a level 2 summary.

All the level 2 summaries then come under level 1 which is the project duration.

A simple example:

Level 4 = all tasks to build a house.
Level 3 = the summary bar for each house.
Level 2 = the summary bar for all the houses in the street.
Level 1 = the summary bar for all the streets in the development.

I hope that is clear.

Best regards

Mike Testro