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P6 more easy options

21 replies [Last post]
John William
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Just need your opinion on P6 vs P3.

I think P6 is worst planning software in Planning History.

As you know that P3 is good, easy to work and handle ,absolutely no hassle whereas P6 is totally Trouble Maker i.e at the time of installation, stand alone problem , unnecessary SQL server attachment, EPS etc and at the performance stage, to find features seems play Hide and Seek..

P6 -- totally time consuming software.....

Software that appreciate in this industry which is easy to work and handle.

Primavera must think about that … Keep it simple not difficult for the users



Michael Ridino
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Not at all,

Current projects:
600 activity High Purity Water Filtration Plant (30 mil)
2000 activity new Hospital Bed Building (220 mil)
800 activity huge single family home (???)
800 activity Theater (20 mil)

I live and die by the client so these are not "my" schedules although I made them, update, analyze and modify them (except the hospital, I was supporting a more experienced scheduler as he had to use P6 for the first time). I would much rather them be 2 or 3 times the size.

In the past I have scheduled jobs anywhere form a couple hundred to tens of thousands of activities (All construction)
Nestor Principe
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Hi Mike R,

Hope you won’t mind telling us the size of the project(s) you’re working on. I’m interested see if I can make comparison and/or feasible in our situation. Or even in terms of nos. of activities.

Michael Ridino
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There is one part of P6 that no one has mentioned yet. P6Web.

Ill be the first to say that P6Web needs A LOT of work before it is a truly useful tool. It makes my job tougher as everything has to go through a web browser instead of directly into a program.

It does however open up the software/schedule to a bunch of players so data can be updated by the people actually preforming the work. There are goods and bads with letting others update a schedule but with properly trained people it would lead to removing almost all of the data entry part of a schedulers job.

Being a "youngster" myself, I actually learned P6 before P3, MS Project or SureTrak. I have used them all to schedule jobs. I know I can preform a task in P6 2 or 3 times faster than I can in an other software. Since I work on an hourly rate it keeps the clients happy.

Bob Benham
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Very useful discussion... . really appreciate .

No doubt that PP is excellent platform for Open Discussion.

Keep it up.


Se de Leon
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P6 is, quite frankly, not that difficult to learn if you know P3 as opposed to the sales pitch you hear from Primavera representatives.

Arnold Puy
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Actually P6 is very complicated at first, when you are well-known with the functionality and definition of each function then it is more easy than what we believe.

I am not saying that I didn’t struggle before with P6 however, we must put effort in order to familiarize the software. This is a tool that we are using in planning & scheduling. We cannot do anything unless Primavera will take the initiatives and pay attention to the grievances of all users.


Se de Leon
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Here we go again. People are judging planners who criticize P6 as not well versed and experts in P6, grumpy old P3 experts and blah blah blah.

Let’s go to the details why I believe P6 is an overkill to many if not most of Primavera clients, then we discuss. Instead of trying to pontificate with doing a schedule with more than 100,000 activities.

I did not say P6 is dysfunctional, I even admitted it has more features than the P3. What I said was, it is an overkill software for many Primavera clients. I won’t be experessing my opinion on the subject if I don’t understand how these 2 softwares differ.
Anoon Iimos
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Hi Rafael,

I believe you said somewhere, "It is the future"? With regards to managing activities going "out-of-sequence", I supposed it is not to be blamed in the software but in the "Management" (humans) itself. "Out-of-sequence" simply shows that your Plan is not followed (but who is following the Plan anyway? I mean word for word and step by step?).

Why not make an experiment, making a Plan in P6 and follow it to the hundredth of a second, and see what happens? Maybe a more scientific comments will come out.

Rafael Davila
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Your copy will always be outdated, at the speed Primavera is releasing updates and the in-betweens, the so called service packs so you don’t have to re-install the stuff every other month, you won’t be able to catch up.

But don’t worry P6 days are counted, sooner than later, in a few months, we will be in P7, P8, P9 …. Primavera will skip a few like P41 to avoid confusion with WWII airplanes.
These are all the same garbage can with a new cover.

The “Dark Ages” in scheduling started with P3e and it P3e/c (a garbage can for the construction industry) by about the year 2000, nine years ago. Many years lost, nothing new, just trying to catch up. No wizards to help us manage out-of-sequence, to help us manage delay claims, to help us truly audit all changes similar to Accounting software (a must in any serious accounting software), better ways and algorithms to manage resource leveling, yes we all know there will never be an absolute optimum solution, but something, managers do plan even when they do not have the optimum tools. And the list go on, will never end, if you will you might ask Jonathan Livingston Seagull.

The concepts of Enterprise applications have been around for over 40 years, one of the pioneers was Artemis: from the mainframe era, where everything was connected to a single database on a mainframe computer. Primavera approach stayed in that era while Microsoft evolved into the PC era with an application that is either Stand Alone, as in Project Standard, or both, as in Project Professional; yes essentially a single product, no need for a scalable application, you go from stand alone to enterprise with the use of essentially the same product. Unfortunately the product itself does not meet the standards many of us would expect.

If a human being, then I must agree it is young, if a dog it is Old, if you call it software, then it is outdated.

P3 is doomed not because of demand, is doomed because Primavera decided to doom it, in the near future you won’t even be able to load it into your pc new operating systems, even if you could Companies will not be able to get a legal license.

Guess we are in LIMBO, I mean those of us who do not like P6 as well as those of us who do not need the Enterprise Stuff.

Anoon Iimos
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Hi Dieter,

I don’t know what Bob is asking (never seen his posts). By the way Bob is a familiar name to me, if I assume that Bob is looking for an expert P6 Planner, I have to tell him honestly that he can only find a very few of us (of course that includes me), but I supposed I will never say that I’m an expert in P6, considering that it is a very young program (maybe two or three years old) and developing continuously I guess? And my copy is already outdated.

If P6 will become the only program available for Planning, then maybe Bob can find his bargain, but for now (sorry Bob, I was already hired by Dieter).

Dieter Wambach
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Might be in some future you’ll realize what is the basis for professional discussion and for project work.

Bob Benham
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Thanks Nestor, Rafael, Se de Leon for your response

Dieter: Although they are juniors but genius and mature than you and this is the way to explain the things not like you.... tit-bits ...tit-bits
Nestor Principe
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Dear All,

P6 is very ambitious in instigating the role of the planning team in the organization. In the 1st instance you will love it and will hate it after knowing the things you needed in order to fully utilize all the functions of P6. There will be time that you will come to think to use P6 with all the functions it offered or simply used P3 in keep it simple approach.

In order to effective using P6, the full support of the management/team is a must otherwise planners will be storing a lot of garbage in the computer.

Do we have a choice when the majority is shifting to P6???

I just hope by the time all the bugs are fixed, the standard P6 wants to dictate will be accepted by the industry. Then I can say the time I invested learning P6 is not wasted. Am still learning though.

My opinion….

Rafael Davila
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It is not true that P6 is dysfunctional; everybody knows that at 40 bugs per upgrade or in-betweens every other month, maybe in a couple of years we will get version P41 for free, to be 50% bug free, well Primavera will provide us with all the upgrades for free (I believe), but it will still be a WWII airplane, not necessarily dysfunctional. We will have a very big bug, but big, this is what matters.

The 100,000 activities limit on P3 is not acceptable. At 50 activities per letter sized page it would make a mere 2,000 pages report. Where is Sierra Club, Ralph Nader and the environmentalists, missing in action, no they are just outdated. Maybe a precedence report will make a 10,000 pages report, I like this. But this is not enough; we need more.

CEO’s, those who got us into this crisis will not analyze such a schedule, maybe the flamboyantly named "Executive Summary" if they have time early on a Friday morning before playing a few golf holes in the afternoon. CEO’s will appreciate the report as the Board of directors will be impressed.

The job Superintendant will make a better use of his copy at the jobsite port-o-let’s.

The scheduler will lose control of the schedule, if he ever had it, he will make the one who should be in control of the job to be out of control, everyone at the job will hate him and make jokes about how out of this world the guy is. Better keep him at a cubicle at the end of the corridor, next to the restrooms. Isn’t this a good argument in favor of P6?

Are you kidding me, are you calling this an overkill? You are a grumpy old man, incapable of learning new things, this is the way to go, this is the future.
Se de Leon
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This issue has started when Primavera focused more on their business than their clients.

I too use MSP, P3, P4 & P6. I have to admit among these 4 softwares, P6 has more features. But the question now, do we need all of these features? For some they may use all the functionalities but I would say for some, it’s an overkill.

It’s nice to have the EPS feature, but do all Primavera clients really need it? Why WBS, I can use activity codes instead. It will have the same result. When did the last time you use claim digger? If you work for a claims company, you could be using it regularly. The list will go on.

Personally, I would rather P3 was improved. But of course the computer geeks will argue that P3 has an obsolete system. For this issue, I can not argue because I’m not an expert on it. Who knows, it could only be a bluff.

Benjamin Mora
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Bob has anger issues :(.
Gary Whitehead
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Bob Benham:

Once again, I have deleted your post for rude and abusive language.

To further clarify why:
1) You used a (abbreviated) very insulting word. That is name-calling and abusive language, both in contradiction to Forum rule 2.
2) You suggested a fellow PP member was mentally sick. That is flaming/taunting. Again, in contradiction to rule 2.
3) You alleged a fellow PP member was abusing other members based on their nationality, despite the fact that they never even mentioned nationality in the post you a refering to. That is flaming.
4) You then finished with a further insult based on their nationality. This is of course highly hypocritical as well as abusive.

I repeat my comment the last time I had to delete your post: If you cannot be civil, this is not the forum for you.
Gary Whitehead
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In response to your 3rd post which I have had to delete, I am now quoting your own earlier post:

"Thanks Gary for your explaination in terms of Forum rules.

I assure you that in future I’ll never post any such things which breaches the forum rules."

That clearly was a lie.

If you don’t like this forum, then leave it.
Arnold Puy
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Based on my experienced of using Primavera P3, P5 & P6 in my planning & scheduling, P6 is the best tools. It is more easy than the other software because I know the functionality of it.

Try to use and familiarize the function and then tell us what is better. Just need more practice.


Dieter Wambach
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Frankly, I’m surprised that after 0.1 year of planning experience you are expert of how to use P3 and P6 in planning. Congratulations!

In the past I accompanied quite a few planners from P3 to P6. After some reservation most of them later preferred P5/P6. Still some details are better in P3, but important is the overall and the easy for use. For a stand-alone planner, no doubt that he may use P3 if she/he prefers, but not for integration with other projects, different locations, subs to be integrated.

On the P6 cd is a file "From P3 to P6". Maybe it’s better to study this first, then judge. Or just join a training.

To use a picture from a different area: If you drive a 40-year-old Volkswagen Beetle for private purpose, it’s ok, but for business?


Benjamin Mora
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If you are in a large company the benefits of a enterprise-wide solution are indispensable. In fact, if you are a large company’s lone scheduler, working in a standalone environment with 20 or so project managers, P5 or P6 is a must. Just my opinion.