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Save in P6

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John William
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Hello All,

If you donot want to save any change in your programme before exit p6 what is best way to do that?

Each time when I exit from P6, evereything was saved.

Any remedy? please tell me.


Michael Ridino
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Changes to your schedules in P6 are saved at regular short intervals and when ever you log out. You are working in a database now instead of stand alone files. There are a couple ways to do what you want to do.

You can copy the schedule, rename it, make changes to it and then delete it after you are done.

You can create a baseline of the schedule, make changes, then restore the baseline.

Or the best solution: Use the reflection process in P6 to make a what if schedule. Make all the changes you want and then when you are done you can choose to merge the what if schedule back into the real schedule.
