My company is currently on a 30-day trial P6 license installed onto Citrix server with Primavera. Within this period, I am logging all my notes, error messages, etc. which I encountered while using P6 online. Once I am confident in using P6 in Citrix, then my company will consider buying the full license and uninstall the standalone license in my desktop. But before we do this, well make sure that this is 100% fool-proof and working properly.
The scenario is like this: I have just imported my fully-resourced schedule (xer file) from my standalone PC to the cerver. I opened this project in Citrix, and went to Project -> WBS. I have just updated my schedule Earned Value Report with %WT (I used cost rather than unit)for my activity resource assignment. I noticed that the projects total percentage weighting (%Wt.) now excedds 100%. In my standalone program, this is exactly 100%. I guess that this is due to some settings in the Citrix. Before the import, I checked that the Admin and User Preferences in Citrix are the same with my standalone setting.
Would anyone here got the fix to restore my projects WBS total % wtg. to 100%? Any other tips on this subject are very much appreciated.
Jose Marcos