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Nonwork Activity / Bar necking

10 replies [Last post]
Kyle Arnold
User offline. Last seen 10 years 5 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 6
Hello all,

To begin I am using P3e Version 4.1.

I have a schedule which I would like to neck the bars during the time an activity is paused due to whatever reason. I see that on the current bar you have the options of selecting "Bar Necking Settings" for A. Calendar nonwork time and B. Activity nonwork intervals. I have realized that if you create a specific calendar for the activity and select option "A" that it shows the weekends and holidays as necked and necks the bars way too often for my liking. Not to mention I really don’t feel like making 200 calendars for suspended activities. Also if I select option "B" I do not see any bar necking on the Ghant Chart.

I guess my questions is how can I mark "Activity nonwork intervals" so that my bars will neck and not have to build 200 calendars?


Kyle Arnold
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Well I’ll make the suggestion, but I have no say in whether we get it or not. I’m at the bottom of the hill looking up.
Dieter Wambach
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You should address your requests to Primavera to have a chance they’ll be included.

Yes, your are right: there are many without maintenance - I have a P3 license from 1995 and never paid for maintenance. In such cases a new purchase would be cheaper. But in Germany, as far as I know, most of the users pay for maintenance.

there are so many enhancements from 4.1 to 6.1, it yould be worth to consider upgrade (if under maintenance) or new.
Ronald Winter
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Considering the age of a P3E installation and the unlikelihood of a company to continue to pay for Primavera maintenance without already having upgraded the software for free, the odds are 99% certain that it will be cheaper for Kyle to buy a new P6 license than it would be to “upgrade” to P6.
Oliver Melling
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Seems to me like there are quite a few things that need sorting via enhancement requests, but they key ones never get addressed.
Kyle Arnold
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If it were my choice we’d have P6 however I’m just using the tools I’ve been given. Thanks for the help guys.
Dieter Wambach
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Yes it is. Should be an enhancement.
Oliver Melling
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Am i right in thinking that bar-necking only relates to the activity calendar and it is not possible to get it to show the non-work time of resource dependent tasks?
Dieter Wambach
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As far as I remember, suspend and resume has been available since version 5.
Also for performance and some other functions you should ask to transfer to the current version - P6.1.

Kyle Arnold
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I have yet to find any way to suspend and resume. I was hoping someone here knew how to do it in P3E. :( Thanks for your input though.
Arnold Puy
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Hello Kyle,

I am not sure if it is working in P4.1 However, in P6 it works fine. Try this,

You don’t need to create new calendars for your activities. All you have to do is to set the "Suspend & Resume Date" or even suspend date only. After setting all the suspend date to your activities then you can go to Bars dialog box & mark the "Activity nonwork intervals" under the Remain & Actual Bars.


