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transfer EPS from P3e to P6

11 replies [Last post]
tamer sayed
User offline. Last seen 15 years 39 weeks ago. Offline
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dear friends
does any one know can i transfer EPS from P3e to P6

i worked before on P3e i created before EPS not i want to install P6 what can i do to transfer this EPS from P3e to P6

Note :-
i try used with Export from P3e to P6 and import using P6
but with this way i should export 1 project per time

if any one have any solution please let me know
thank you


Dieter Wambach
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Sorry, I don’t know this file ssmee.exe.
Dieter Wambach
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The data model is the same under ORA and MS SQL. For an upgrade from one to the other you’ll need a specialist from your Primavera rep. For upgrade have look into your CD no.3 Documentation --> technical ... --> manual upgrade.
Within the technical documentation you can find the schemas of all tables and a printout in A0-format of the data model.
For the EPS have a look into the table PROJECT, data item "project_flag", which indicates if a record idenfities an EPS-node or a project.
Hope that helps!
tamer sayed
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Dear Sir.
our database working under ORACLE
so could you please let me know which file i can use to transfer EPS from P3e to P6
tamer sayed
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Dear Sir
could you tell me what i will do after i find this file ssmee.exe
i found this file ion my pc cause i use SQL in my pc but tell me how can i use it

but i can not find this file on my pc in job cause my company use Oracle system

So could you please which file i will use in Oracle System to copy EPS

Thank you
Dieter Wambach
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In Most installations the EPS isn’t big. It’s faster to type in the new db than to write a script. For a script you’ll need IT and access to to (AND knowledge of) Enterprise Manager.
tamer sayed
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ok thank you
but please tell me how can i reach for database file to transfer EPS
really i am in critical position
please help me in this subject
tell me in steps please
i can do every thing
and no IT here
i do all jobs
if i can not do this may be it will be not good for me
thank you
Dieter Wambach
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No disturb. If you’ll open more projects you can export them in one file. just select all projects within the export wizzard.
tamer sayed
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Xer files contain 1 project only
if i export more projects in export screen i should click in only 1 project

any way tell me how can i transfer many projects by xer files

thank you
sorry for distribing
Dieter Wambach
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Among your installation CD’s on the first you can find the script for update from previous version. CD 3 is the documentation CD with an admin manual. Please read this first. If you don’t understand, it will be better to let your IT staff do it or to enter EPS and OBS by yourself. The risk to destroy data would be too big.

XER file can contain many projects.

Good luck!
tamer sayed
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Dear Sir
thank you for your sooner replay
could you please tell me steps in details
cause i do not know more about primavera and database
so please tell me from where this scripts and readme
thank you
Dieter Wambach
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P6 is the current version of P3e. On your cd’s you can find scripts to upgrade your database to P6.
Study the readme-files first!
It is not possible to migrate directly from P3e 4.1 to P6. Even P6 and P6.1 has a different database - and the migration requires an upgrade.
Good luck!