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Bar Height

3 replies [Last post]
Pacifico Pallasigui
User offline. Last seen 12 years 40 weeks ago. Offline
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Is it possible to increase the bar height in P5 like in P3, in P5 the only option I know is the bar shape list selection.



Dieter Wambach
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The way to work with P3 or P6 is different. P6 has many advantages. The limited bar height for Gantt charts never was a restriction for us. I don’t believe they forgot.

Another item for me is more relvant: the network facilities and the graphical reports. But for the network the German PAR has a good solution as an add-on (as fara as I know only for Oracle datatabase), most of the graphical reports we print in Excel - data generated in P6.

In my opinion it’s better to check for new possibilities than for missing items.

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They forgot not only in P5, but also in P6.


Dieter Wambach
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Up to now I don’t know a P5/P6-internal solution.