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Purging Deletes

4 replies [Last post]
Donna Hernandez
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I am in P6 and was trying to set up the admin preferences to purge deletes upon exit. I am not finding it. Has this option been removed from this version? This is what I was told by the help desk, but thought one of you might know differently.


Donna Hernandez
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I am not noticing a slow response, but we are using the Primavera database to create a report and the report is showing the deleted activities. Since the deleted activities were showing up in the report, we have adjusted the report to ignore the activities marked as deleted.

I am not sure how they are showing up in the database if they are deleted, I just know that my report was reflecting activities that have been deleted and when my programmer followed up he said the activity is still in the database, but marked as deleted.

Any thoughts? Would it be helpful to anyone for me to follow up with my programmer?

shiv rao
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Its not required as its explained in my feedback.

As per Primavera the Backlog data is immediatly deleted on closing the project.

are you feeling that its slowing the commands share to give more feedback.


Donna Hernandez
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Thanks for the input. I guess we will have to find another way.
shiv rao
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Yes Donna ,

Purge Delete Command has been deleted.

FROM Primavera
Prior to P6 the task of cleaning up the database was the
responsibility of the Project Manager (PM) client. Some of the
cleanup was done during login and logout of individual sessions.
The remaining cleanup tasks were done by the Purge Deletes
option on the Tools menu. These functions are resource intensive
and time consuming.


Shiv Rao