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P5: Progress Spotlight’s labor units

2 replies [Last post]
Yusuke Kamui
User offline. Last seen 14 years 46 weeks ago. Offline
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Does anyone know how to see the specific activities’ "budgeted units" for the specific period or time-frame that I specify when I use or drag-along the "progress spotlight" tool?

Example, in the Activities display window, I set the "progress spotlight" from July 31 to August 11, it shows me (in yellow color) what are the activities that will be in progress in that period. Question is how to know the total budgeted labor units for each of those activities in that period?



Yusuke Kamui
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Hi Mark,
Thanks for your quick reply. I did what you instructed and it filter out all those activites as what the progress spotlight indicated. But the problem is, in the column "budgeted labor units", it still shows the labor units for whole duration of the project not the specific labor units of that activity in that filtered period or time frame set by the filter.

Any idea?


Mark M
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Hi Yusuke

Just using the "progress spotlight" I don’t believe this is possible, however, if you set up a filter equivalent to the spotlight and display the budgeted labor units column you will see the total budgeted units for those activities.

ie, If your progress spotlight is looking forward a month your filter would be:
"{all of the following}
Where activity status is not equal to completed
and {any of the following}
Where activity status equals in progress
or early start is less than or equals DD+1M"

This should give you the desired outcome. Hope this helps.
