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corrupt database

6 replies [Last post]
Mohammad Shariq
User offline. Last seen 8 years 28 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 4
hello everyone
i had P3eC version of primavera and made my program on it. While printing the layout with adobe pdf the program got corrupted and now it generates an error whenever i open it. i reinstalled the software and it works fine but as soon as i copy the old pmdb database and paste it to the current installation it generates the same error. is there any possible way of retreiving my data from the corrupted file???


Dieter Wambach
User offline. Last seen 7 years 21 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi Mohammad
Some more questions:
You wrote: " works fine but as soon as i copy the old pmdb database and paste it to the current installation it generates the same error..." Does it mean that P3e works well with the standard database? Which message do you receive when you connect this database?
Some technical items:
- Operating System?
- MS SQL/MSDE or Oracle, which version
- Which version of Primavera
- Service packs?

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Go to another computer, connect to the database that you think is corrupted.

and if it works, it means your database is not corrupted,

it just means that your PM application is corrupted.

because the database is designed for alot of data access etc.

and it has build in engines that make it hard to get corrupted.

and application of course doesnt have these engines that prevent it from corruptions.

see how u go,

Vu Dang
Dieter Wambach
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Hi Mohammad
This message is not very much in detail. So you’ll have to look into different directions:
1. Maybe the last layout you used is corrupt.
--> Start P3e with a different user. Hopefully you didn’t work with the user admin. Delete the corrupt user - NOT THE ADMIN.
2. Did you check the Windows event log?
3. Did you synchronize priv- and pubuser?
I don’t really believe in 3 (different error message), but would start to solve this issue in this sequence.
Good luck

Ronald Romero
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Hi Mohammad,

Try some old tools to fix corrupted data like disk cleanup then defrag it. You can also scan your computer for viruses.

Mohammad Shariq
User offline. Last seen 8 years 28 weeks ago. Offline
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Hello Dieter
The error message is that "your program has caused an eroor and it needs to close down" the same that we get from ms and at the bottom it says "please send the eroor report to ms"
Dieter Wambach
User offline. Last seen 7 years 21 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi Mohammad
Give us a chance to help you. Which error message you get when you try to open P3e and which version doe you have?