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P5 SP4

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Ronald Winter
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There is a new Service Pack out for P5. SP4 addresses the following items,

Activity Details Tabs

· prim41103: Changes are not committed to database when using Up and Down arrows in activity details.
After making changes to Activity Details, they are not committed to the PM database when using the Up or Down arrow keys to move to another activity.


· prim20369: Baseline data for activities does not display after changing Activity IDs and inserting new activities in the current project.
After creating a baseline for a project, if you change activity IDs in the project and add new activities (that are not in the baseline) to the project, baseline data does not appear for the changed activities.

· prim40252: Cannot edit EPS activity code values in the columns for a restored baseline project.
There are several issues related to editing baseline projects:

- You cannot edit EPS activity code values in the columns of a restored baseline project.

- When opening and project and a restored baseline project, you can edit only the EPS activity code values in the column of the current project.

- When opening a restored baseline project, the EPS activity code values appear only in the Codes tab of the Activity Details form.

· prim46611: Baseline fields do not display correctly in different views of Project Management after refreshing the data (i.e., pressing F5).
When a project is open (and should display live data), baseline fields do not display correctly after refreshing the data.

Calendar Display

· prim31119: Why are weekends not shaded in the Gantt Chart Week/Day timescales, as they were in previous versions of Project Management?
With the default global calendar set to a typical 5-day workweek, Saturdays and Sundays (which are listed as non-work days) are not shaded.


· prim47454: When copying/pasting projects with interproject relationships, if the option “Only between copied activities” is not selected, it then creates external relationships between the old projects and the new projects in Project Management 5.0 service pack 3.
When grouped by EPS, external relationships between projects are created even if the relationship setting for copying and pasting projects is not “only between copied activities.”

· prim47517: Copy and paste project setting for relationships “only between copied activities” does not create interproject relationships in 5.0 SP3
When grouped by EPS, relationships between projects are not created if the relationship setting for copying and pasting projects is “only between copied activities.”


· prim46342: After installing Project Management Service Pack 3, the Navigation bar has changed color.
The Navigation bar in the Project Management module changes color after installing Service Pack 3.

Enterprise Project Structure Dialog Box

· prim51087: With 5.0 SP3, the Enterprise Project Structure menu lists column headings as Project ID and Project name instead of EPS ID and EPS Name.
On the Enterprise Project Structure dialog box, the column headings “EPS Project ID” and “EPS Name” are mislabeled as “Project ID” and “Project Name”.

Gantt Chart

· prim13671: Relationship Lines not being drawn when using filter.
When a filter is applied to activities, relationship lines are not added, for example, when new activities that include relationships are added.

· prim19957: Bar changes position when row height is increased to 40 and above.
Bars in the Gantt chart do not align properly if row height is 40 or above.; also, the baseline bar might disappear or display in the wrong place.


· prim34395: Intermittent AVAA0 errors when changing layouts in Primavera Project Management 5.0.
When changing layouts in the Project Management module, intermittent AVAA0 (access violation) errors occur.

Login Dialog Box

· prim23218: Fields are cut-off or missing from Project Management, Methodology Management, and Portfolio Analysis.
Unable to enter password on the Login screen because the Password field is either missing or shrunken.

MPP Import/Export

· prim46599: FPDBZ-3853-D error when trying to import Microsoft Project files into Project Management 5.0 SP3.
After installing Primavera 5.0 SP3, cannot import MPP files for Engineering and Construction.


· prim34528: Performance is slow when copying a project in 5.0SP1 with admin superuser account.
Performance is very inconsistent when copying a project with an admin susperuser account.


· prim29901: Event code: GPTWI-2179-9 when printing from Print Preview or File, Print.
When printing from Print Preview or File/Print, the error GPTWI-2179-9 (Invalid window for printing) is displayed if a Gantt chart is one of the items being printed.

· prim46479: Print Preview in 5.0 Service Pack 3 does not show the Gantt Chart when selecting lowercase timescale dates.
Entering lowercase alpha characters in Timescale fields causes the Gantt chart to not display.

Project Architect

· prim48843: Error: “CCF”C-xxxx-x/Cannot create file “C:\JMc5857Log.txt”. Access is denied. (When creating a project using Project Architect.)
When creating a project with Project Architect, the message above is displayed.


· prim28743: Page setup options are not saved when Report Wizard report is saved.
Page setup options, including custom headers and footers, are not saved when the Report Wizard report is saved.

· prim50043: Multiple Byte – report function unable to insert line break for Asian Character.
Information is missing in reports because there is no word wrap or automatic line feed for Asian characters.

· 20023711926: Grand totals are not correct on a grouped by resource report.
When grouping by resources, the grand totals in reports are not correct.


· prim42323: Resource information changes when making change to resource assignment.
After applying a global change, if you replace a resource assignment by editing the Resource Names on the Resources tab, the resource name of the newly assigned resource is overwritten in the resource dictionary by the resource name of the resource that was originally assigned to the activity.


· prim43847: Recalculate Resource Costs is not working correctly via Job Services.
When using Job Services to schedule and Recalculate Resource Costs is selected, activity resource assignments that are set to Override are not recalculated based on the Override Price/Unit. The assignments are recalculated based on the Resource Price/Unit in the Resource dictionary.


· prim46023: When formatting the Timescale, the Timescale Start Date acronyms are grayed out.
With the language set to French or German, Timescale formatting options are not enabled.

Timesheet Approval

· prim49311: Time approval hangs at 58%.
When a specific user tries to approve timesheets, the application freezes at 58%.


· prim41645: Undoing a Resource delete does not restore all resource information.
Performing an undo to restore a deleted resource does not restore all resource data, including resource assignments, timesheet actuals, and resource codes; only the resource itself is restored. Also, the message “Undo was not successfully completed. Please verify data” is displayed.

XER Import/Export

· prim46089: On XER import a large Notebook Topic entry is causing the import to take a long time.
When importing an XER file that includes a large Notebook Topic entry, the import takes a very long time.

See the Primavera Technical Support Site to download the 36.4MB update.