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How to get free manual for P3ec?

6 replies [Last post]
Suraya Hani Hussin
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Good day everybody!

Can anyone tell me how to get free download manual for P3ec?

Thank you.


Matthew Lovkis
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I have the P3e Manual in PDF if you need it.

My email is

Let me know if you want it.
Robyn Brown
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Any one has the P3 Manual in PDF :-)

Alex Gibson
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The link isn’t for Primavera Rep’s , It is for anyone who is under current Maintenance. Links to Primavera FTP server are usually only found from their POINT system (which you need valid maintenance to access), but it appears they have not actually locked the FTP server down.

mimoune djouallah
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Marcio what do u mean by that, i have already download all the pdf

Marcio Sampaio
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This link is only for Primavera Representatives.
Rodel Marasigan
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Try this website:

