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obtain data from P5 to generate scurve/histogram

2 replies [Last post]
Onny Ryan Suksmono
User offline. Last seen 9 years 7 weeks ago. Offline
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I’m beginner in P5 and I need some helps. Is there any such feature like tabular resource and resource loading reports in P5?. I usually use these features in P3 to retrieve the data and generate scurve or histogram in excel.

I would like to know whether these features are available in P5 or not. Basically what I mean is that how we can retrieve data from P5 to generate scurve or histogram in excel. I think excel is still the most powerful tool for table and chart.

Many thanks before.



Zubair Usmani
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Try to get from somebody an excel sheet(Containing Micro Programme to fetch the data directly from P5)
U can directly save a Report in Excel sheet by just changing the format of report in save as.
Marcio Sampaio
User offline. Last seen 12 years 20 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi Onny;

Go on assingments (icon on left). Create you lay-out with budgeted, actual, or anything u want.

All units will be shown on timescale and u can copy / paste to Excel.
