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P3e and Expedition

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We are discussing a purchase of P3e. Based on our requirements Primavera is also quoting the purchase of Expedition. Could someone clearly explain to me how these two products would work together and what strengths do each one of them bring to an organization. There appears to be some overlap of the two products, yet each one has some different features. Any quick help would be appreciated


Morteza Jafari
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as sohiel stated in his post, P3e is professinal software for Planning and Expetion is tool for modules of control such as document control, cost control, correspondences control,...
Soheil Jafari
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Hi There,
You knew that PMIS ( Project management Information System ) Usualy have 2 wings:
1 - Scheduling
2 - Contract Control
Primavera Company created mentioned programs based on a/m items:
1 - Primavera : for Scheduling ( Time , Resources,Cost,Risk,...)
2- Expedition : for Contract Control ( Contract management , Change management, Communication management,Delivereable Management,...)