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what’s wrong with the calendar

4 replies [Last post]
Jason LI
User offline. Last seen 4 years 11 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 1 Jan 2008
Posts: 37
I’m using P3 3.1,it’s a new added project,when select data, then calendars to add a new calendar, then popup a small window:
“An error has occurred in your application, if you choose ignore, you should save your work in a new file. if you choose close, your application will terminate.”
What ever you select ignore or close then popup another small window:
”P3 cause a general protection fault in module corsrve.dll at 000A:B1F1. Choose close, P3 will close”.
When I open an old project and do the same action, no problem, what’s wrong, wish you can help me.
Many thanks.


Rafael Davila
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Try the following to see if it helps.

Go to C:\P3WIN\P3PROGS and double click on PFWX , click on help button on the dialog box for the Project File Recovery Program and follow instructions.

By the way, always backup your projects, preferably using a separate folder even if within your jobs folder. Droppings do happen.

Uninstalling and re-installing the software does not affect your job files. What you did is a proof the issue is not in the software installation but in the job files.

If the file recovery program does not work maybe you will have to relocate the jobs folder, reinstall the software again so it creates a new jobs folder with uncorrupted files. Then you / (we) will have to figure it out how to restore or repair these files and transfer them back to the directory where they belong.

Good Luck,

Jason LI
User offline. Last seen 4 years 11 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 37
Tanks Gary and Harzelli, i try the method you said, but it still not working.
what i can do now is make a copy from another project, delete all the activity and use it to develop a new project. but its quite bothering.
Even i uninstall the P3 and reinstall it again, its same.
harzelli bouasria
User offline. Last seen 4 years 48 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 42
try to restart your computer. if it doesn’t work copy your project in a new one.
good luck
Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
It sounds like it might be that the CAL file has been corrupted. -Does it happen on every new project, or just this one?

I don’t know if this will work, but try replacing the project’s CAL file (xxxxcal.p3) with a CAL file from a project that doesn’t have this problem. (Obviously, be sure to retain the original file incase it goes wrong)

The other option of course is to contact technical support