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Linking Projects

4 replies [Last post]
Bowa Koko
User offline. Last seen 13 years 50 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 5
Please I need some scheduling advice in the scenario presented below:

I have three projects (say A,B & C) in Primavera P3, project A is a high level plan and the planning unit is day, while B & C (Level 4 or 5 plan with about 2000 activities each) are in hours. The start of some tasks in Project B & C are dependent on completion of some tasks in project A.

What I want to achieve;
Since projects B & C are more detailed (while C summarizes the two), I want to create a link (using activity code maybe) such that when I update Project A which has few activities, the impact will be felt on tasks in project B & C. In actual fact I do not want to create project group (merge the projects because am not sure if this will work since they are not in same planning unit and don’t want to change the planning units because project A is for management reporting while B & C are for field use.

Does any one know if it’s possible;
To create activity code linking the 3 projects such that when the project A is updated, the impact of delays/progress will be seen on start of tasks in project B and C. For example if a task AC01 (Tank Painting) is updated to be 100% complete on 14th of August, I want this update to push forward the start of a series of activities in Project B or Project C (wherever the dependent activities occur )


Can I merge two or more projects with different planning units?
This way I will have to create a link between the activities using relationships.

I am sorry if my posting gets you bored, I just want to be sure I post a proper question for my case.


Bowa Koko
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Posts: 5
Yes, you can LINK (using interproject relationship) two project with different planning units but you CANNOT merge (TOOL >>>> PROJECT UTILITIES >>>>> MERGE) two project with different planning units.

I hope this helps.

Anoon Iimos
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"can I merge two or more projects with different planning units"? I believe yes, you can merge, but how it will calculate? I don’t know.

why you need to do it?
Bowa Koko
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Thank you I really made sense to do that. I’ve explored the interproject relationship and just wondering if there is an easy or faster way of linking the activities/project.

My concern specifically is that is there a way I can export a template (similar to (in P3) using tool>>>>Project utilities>>>>>Export then import later) make the links maybe in Excel (or WK1) format and import back as against linking it one after the other in interproject relationship?

Similarly, a file with extension .IPT is created, do you know of any program (excel, word pad etc) I can use to open this file?

I’ve got up to 2,000 tasks to link this way. Thank you (or anyone) for offering solution.

Ife Olyke
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Hi Bowa,

I presume you are not running the projects in a multi user environment... You can use Interproject Relationships to create links between the 3 projects... You can also convert Project A planning unit to hours, but create a column for Duration in Days, and use Global change to calculate hours based on the days input...

i hope it makes sense... cheers