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Remove a digit from ACTIVITY ID

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Pranab Kumar Deb
User offline. Last seen 3 years 26 weeks ago. Offline
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Dear ALL,
Can a middle digit be removed from ACTIVITY ID OF a group of activities by global change?
any ideas??????

i want to remove "1" from the following




Pranab Kumar Deb
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Dear Pinan and zeeshan thank you for the excellent bit of information.
Muhammad Zeeshan ...
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Yes he is absolutely right just to add one more thing that Primavera 3.1 activity id consist of 10 char and left will take chr from the left 1st char and right will take char from the right 10th char interesting thing is that even if your activity not consist of 10 chars it will start couting from 10 digit
so if id is 123456 and you use right(act,5) it give you 6 only
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THEN act eq left(act,4) & right(act,5)