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Resource Loading

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Jineesh Dath
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I have a program ready, I have loaded the resouces which I would need to use in the Resource option (Data -- Resouce)
Now I want to load each resource to activities in the project, how do I do that?

Please help !


User offline. Last seen 4 years 3 weeks ago. Offline
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My advise wud be 2 use global change, if no. of activities are more.

If: actvity contains xxxx,

then AD res value.


Then follow-up above for loading budgeted Quantity.

User offline. Last seen 6 years 24 weeks ago. Offline
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view menu-->activity detail-->resource (or control R) can be seen on right click also..
also,by using insert menu-->resource assignments (or click toolbar icon)

another way by export/import method and global change which will be easier if you become familiar with using it