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Sure track resource profile

2 replies [Last post]
Wasi Raza
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Hi all, A few silly questions intended towards users of Suretrak. I am a bit new to Suretrak and have been trying to load resources mainly equipment on tasks not to define durations but so i could take out an equipment profile ’programme’ for the project. Not quite sure if i am doing it correctly.

1- I defined a ’crane’ as a resource with a limit of 1 for the project and set as ’non’ driving
2- Clicked on relevant task - details - resources and added the crane from the list. Changed ’budgeted qty=1’ and ’to complete=1’ as they had changed according to the duration already set. The unit/hr changes to ’0.01’
3- Now when i take out the resource profile it shows columns at 0.01 peak constant through out the period crane is being used. Should it not show ’1’ no. crane?
4- Is there any way of taking a gantt chart of resources out as can be done in Power Project?
5- Can quantities to complete (eq. cub-m of excavation) and equipment to do the work (eg. 1 no. excavator) be defined seperately in Suretrak?


User offline. Last seen 1 year 43 weeks ago. Offline
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if i understand the question right i suggest dividing the activity into parts where you use the crane and others where you don’t . use split opions of primavera , that should sort out the dilemma. use the crane as resouce. as for the excavated dirt you should also assign the excavator as a resource and use original quantaty as the amount of dirt you have to excavate. other than that up date regularly with the amount of cubic meters as you see fit. in primavera that is very feasable.
James Barnes
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I’m going to assume that it works the same as in P3 (long time since I used Suretrac)

1+2+3; P3 stores resource quantities ("Budgeted qty") as an absolute value for the activity, rather than a qty per time period. Thus, if your crane will be 100% occupied for the whole of the activity length then the budgeted qty you need to enter is the same as the duration of the activity. A short cut is to enter "1" in the "Units per time period" box, which will then calcualte the overall value for the activity. Sadly, if you change the duration of the activity, P3 will not update the budgeted qty figuring that the crane is still needed at 100% but will use the absolute value and recalculate the qty per time period instead. This is a pain but such is life and it is what you would want it to do most of the tim, it’s just a shame that you can’t check a "duration driven" box in the resource window.

4; you can filter to show only the activities with the resource on that you want to see. However, if you have more than one ersource on an activity, the other resource will show up aswell. On the resource curve at the bottom, you can specify that you only want to see a specific resource (or rang of resources)

5; erm. no, I don’t think so (assuming I understand your Q) P3 sees a resource as a resource. You can apply cost codes, which would be another way of splitting them up.